Transcendent Connection

You are a transcendent Being of Light. Ever growing, ever manifesting.

Our Will or personal agency, in choosing to connect with the Truth at the centre of our being brings about a state of harmony, called happiness. Happiness is a vibratory state that we feel when we are in tune with the Divine. We feel at peace and one with the whole of creation. It is the aim of all our journeys, the place we seek to be, when there is disharmony and incompleteness in our interactions both spiritual and social. The aim of the journey is to connect with truth, happiness and peace. It is inevitable that they occur together.

When we seek connection, we honor our life’s path and all of divine being. Our Soul growth can only be realized through multitude connection both with the Divine Being as well as with the whole of Creation.  This creates new spaces to explore, while respecting and minding all personal prerogative and integrity. You do not break the door down, to badge in and connect. The door has to be opened for you to be invited in; because you have earned this space in another’s life. This space, as should be in your life, has to be nurtured in order to grow with love, respect and integrity.

Connection is eternal, as we seek to join with, grow with, and meet all aspects of our myriad Divine Being. We are multitude. And We are One.

The Sovereignity of the Soul

The Soul is yours alone. It is sovereign and indestructible.

No one, but no one has jurisdiction or power over your soul. No matter what. Even as many cultural and religious traditions try to challenge and even obfuscate this. Since many seek to dominate others, not just physically, mentally, but also spiritually. It is important to be aware of this and to fight whatever form oppression may take by centering this Truth.

The Soul is you and is a reflection of the Divine in you. We are special in that while the Divine can only ever be and express Good. As incarnate souls, we can choose between good and evil. Even as we are essentially good, having been created from goodness. Choosing evil, we attract and give out negative vibrations. Choosing good, we do the opposite. Attract and give out good, high frequency spiritual vibrations. These have positive effects on ourselves as individuals, onto others and all of creation around us. We create through goodness. For good is life, it is vibrant, is ever growing, ever expanding in its complexity and truth.

But how can we differentiate between the soul, the mind and merely external influences?This is easiest through meditation. When you feel. The part that is NOT your body. The part that is NOT your thought process or your mind. This is you. Your Spirit Centre. Your Awareness. The Conscious You.

We need to be in constant communion with the life force in order for our souls to live and grow. Even though we are a true reflection of the Divine, we cannot live without Them. For in recognition of our need for the Creator in our lives, we complete our union with The One.

Seek for guidance and direction from within. And enjoy your Soul.




The Heart and Love

Our physical heart, together with the blood vessels (these are tubes of muscle through which our blood flows) both supply the various organs in our body with nutrients and oxygen which are required for our normal bodily functions.

Diabetes causes thickening, stiffening and weakening of the heart muscle, thickening and narrowing of the blood vessels all of which impair effective circulation around the body. This can cause damage, sometimes irreparable, of many of the body’s organs or even limbs.

Just like our physical heart, our spiritual heart or soul needs to be in healthy ‘circulation’ for our spiritual health. The ‘blood’ in this instance is Love, circulating with healthy nutrition for our spiritual growth.  God the Giver is aware of our soul’s needs at any one time, and knows what ‘nutrients’ we need spiritually for whatever challenges we may be facing in any one moment. Our spiritual connection with the Universe, the Giver ensures this.

When we open our hearts to Love, we come to know the Creator and to know our Souls intimately as they grow. For we can only grow out of love, and through love. Loving not just the Creator and ourselves but the whole of Creation. For it is a reflection of the very same love, we have come to know and be privileged by.

Just as the Universe, in time space is ever expanding and ever growing at an exponential rate. So do our Hearts grow when filled with Love. Connecting with the whole of creation through love further affirms our spiritual being and helps to inspire in others, the need to connect with the Creator as well.

Spiritual Diabetes, About

These series of posts are not about diabetes per se, but we are using this analogy to highlight trials and tribulations faced by many of us along our spiritual paths.

About diabetes. The symptoms of this condition can help describe the breadth and depth of challenges we may face, spiritually. Diabetes, is when you have a high blood sugar. It is normal to have sugar in our blood but when this is sustained at high levels for prolonged periods, it is harmful to our health. We have a small organ, called the pancreas near our stomach, which releases a chemical called insulin for digestion. Insulin helps transfer sugar from our blood into our body’s cells where it is used to give us energy for our body’s normal functioning. When not treated properly, this condition can lead to physical problems with the heart, blood vesselskidneys, eyes, the skin, nerves, sexual function and reproduction. It also weakens general body immunity leading to infections. We are going to explore the effects of ‘spiritual diabetes’ over these ‘areas’ in our Souls.

In this analogy, our body represents our Soul. The sugar, which is energy needed by the body, stands for spiritual energy that the Soul needs to thrive. This spiritual energy is Love from the Universal Being or God and Love’s gifts thereof. We need to connect with this Universal Love to benefit our Soul’s growth and being. When we fail to make this connection, our souls fail to thrive, fail to grow, and we fail to be in all the ways we should be in a spiritual way. Failure to spiritually connect with Universal Love does not mean that this Love does not exist or that it has been denied us. It surrounds us always, and needs ‘our permission’ for ‘entry’ into our Souls. We have the privilege of free will as human souls. When we exercise our free will, saying ‘yes’ to Divine Love, we allow this Divine Energy into our spiritual being. Just as the chemical, insulin, does for the body’s cells. This changing from moment to moment, or situation to situation. Hence there is varying severity of ‘spiritual diabetes’ depending on the level of assent to divine love.  We are meant to acknowledge and exercise our agency constantly. Sometimes we may assent, sometimes we may dissent, sometimes we may be unaware of what is required of us. We are entitled to whichever decision, at whichever time, and either decision; to assent or not, has an opposite effect. One to either to help us or hinder us, in our spiritual growth.

Whatever decision we make, our spiritual agency is honored by the Divine Being. This is what is most important. To be constantly conscious, and aware of our spiritual being, and the decisions that we make. We are entitled to our choices but it is important to be aware of these and their effects in our lives, and the lives of those in connection with us; such as our friends, families and the wider community.

In the next series of posts, we shall look at the different ‘areas’ in our Souls affected by ‘spiritual diabetes’…

The Incarnate Soul

We are incarnate beings with a divine Soul. And our journey in this particular time and space called earth is to help us discover our true, infinite, divine nature.

Our soul journey starts even before we are born, before our conception. We come from the Great Divine Spirit Being or Consciousness which is God or the Supreme Intelligence. We are different from all of Creation in that we have agency, or Free Will. This is important as it separates us from other Beings of Light such as Angels, elemental spirits (spirits of nature, spirits of plants and animals) and even darker energies.

God is True, Pure Divine Energy. True Love. True Light. True Power. True Goodness. And cannot be anything else. We, however, have been gifted with the Agency to choose between Good, and Evil.

We would not be able to exercise this agency, or free will if we did not in fact have the necessary contrast through the challenge that evil presents, which is the opposite of Good. For then we would only be Good, not being able to choose. This is a unique and special gift, which has not been bestowed on every created being but on some of us, incarnate in Time and Space for this very purpose. For those of us who are incarnate, the aim of the journey is the same in all of us.

It is through exercise of free will, that we are able to direct our Soul’s growth and discover the full essence of our divine being during this limited time here on the planet. We are presented with decisions along our life’s journey ultimately being for the good, or for the bad. Over and over, and over again. Regardless, the form the choice may take. Whatever decisions we make, influence the person we become, and consequently other spirit energies that we attract toward our being, either pure energies of light, representing goodness, or lower frequency vibrations representing evil. Sometimes you are drawn by beautiful, pleasant energies of some people and other times repelled by unpleasant, negative energies from others. We are repulsed by negative energies because these conflict with our true divine nature, otherwise we would not be aware they are unpleasant.

Regardless of any undesirable decisions you have made in the past, we always have opportunities to rectify our past choices. However, we can only recognise these opportune moments when we are most ready for change for further advancement along our life’s path. Our soul’s path continues beyond the planet earth and so our life’s learning continues in other spaces, and other times. Having free agency would not make sense if there was in fact a limit as to how long you could express free will. It would be a farce. A mockery of the gift given. We are able to exercise free will infinitely.

”It is through your challenges and deepest despair that the greatest opportunities for growth live, and so remember that this brief time in this dimensional space is all for your highest good, and that you simply can’t get it wrong, no matter what choices you make.”

Farquhar, Tracy (2014-12-06). Frank Talk: A Book of Channeled Wisdom (p. 11). Infinite Joy Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Do Not Fear. It is Possible.

Fear is not a part of us. That’s why it can go.

It was never a part of you. You simply learned it, and as such, can unlearn it. There are several reasons why we have fear in our lives. The main one being enculturation for purposes of external control by others. To keep us in place, to keep us exploitable. We have fears for not living successful lives, for not living per se, fear of ill-health, fear of the dark, fears of the unknown, fear of the known – of people, places, things, circumstances. Endless. Except for those fears directly related to physical survival such as fear of snakes, hence, stay out of their way, etc. Many fears debilitate us, paralyse us, prevent us from moving forward, from growing. These are the fears we address here. These are the fears we wish we did not have in our lives. And it is possible for us to do something about them because we do NOT want them.

”Be Not Afraid.” said Jesus of the Essenes. Because it’s possible. To Not Fear.

The fears that beset us, that worry us, that constantly hurt. These are the fears that we wish to be rid of. And it’s possible. Even easy. To simply begin to do this. It’s the process, that takes time, even years. Well, because there are so many fears one has learned over the years, it needs time to undo each and every one of them. This is possible. To deal with one at a time. One as each and every opportunity arises. Because once you have dealt with one fear, another comes forward for you to deal with this as well. The best way is forward. You have spent an entire lifetime running away from them. You do not want to do this for the rest of your life. Allowing them to take away the pleasure of simply being you. You can only go through them to win. Forward that is. Into the Fear. Into the middle of the storm, called the eye of the storm, which is the peaceful, calm centre of a storm. Stay at the center until the storm dies down. Until the fear is gone, while you deal with it that is. The trick is to get to the center of your fear, you know exactly what it is, only you knows this. Even someone who cares for you knowing about your fear, may not understand exactly how, by how much it is debilitating to you.

Acknowledge your fear, out loud in your head.

Confront it head on, as in face it, the way you would face your fear if this was a physical thing or a person. This first act of bravery affirms your commitment to deal with it. The journey has begun. See how easy that was. You’ve taken the first step. Acknowledging your fear places you in the centre. You will stay in the middle of your challenge, until all your fear is deconstructed away. Until the storm dies down. You are going to work at your storm from a place of calm, by acknowledging your fear. You will deconstruct the storm, thus your fear out. It is the deconstruction, the challenge to it. That puts it out. Remember, you learned it. You can unlearn it, bit by bit. It is a process in reverse. The undoing of it. Until it’s undone.

That part of you that should replace your fear, already exists. It is a part of your divine self, your Soul that this particular fear was overshadowing. It is like grime on the glass of a lantern. The light cannot shine clearly through with all the grease on it. Tackling a bit of the grimy dirt a little at a time, day by day, allows the light within to shine.

And so on, to the next one.

The Conscious You

Imagine yourself shutting down. Just like a computer. Only you are shutting down from outwards in. To the centre. This may take some time, and some getting used to. And may require several attempts, when you feel ready to try again.

Sit in a quiet place, with your eyes preferably closed, to minimise on distractions from the task at hand. Concentrate on breathing, in, out as you ‘observe’ your mental goings on. Without attempting to think about anything in particular, without attempting to NOT think about anything in particular. Just be. And let your thoughts drift wherever they may. Of their ‘own’ volition. Do nothing. Until, there is nothing.

Feel the sense of your body. ‘See’ your mind, and feel the centre of your being. Feel, not with your bodily senses, but ‘feel’ with the core of your Being. This place of Being is You. The Conscious You. When you feel. The part that is NOT your body. The part that is NOT your thought process or your mind. This is you. Your Spirit Centre. Your Awareness. The Conscious You.

Stay there for as long as you can be. You will find it gets easier and easier to stay with ‘You’ over time. Come back to this ‘You’ often, as often as you need to, as often as you can. Particularly when you are feeling ‘out of it’, tired, stressed out, feeling lost, whatever… Even when you are just happy. As a means of affirming your well-being. This state of Awareness helps with spiritual regeneration and growth. Simply by being You at Your Centre. With practice, you will find you can ‘Centre Yourself’ more and more easily, even in more ‘distracting’ circumstances when you need to revitalise your central spirit energy. We are Spirit Energy. And need to re-connect with the Greater Spirit Energy that is the Universal Consciousness or God. Doing this re-charges your Spirit Centre, enervates your Mind and Body to heal. The Healing comes from within, from whatever onslaught we have been facing through our daily paths. Even external healing agents for the body and mind are synergised by the healing spirit from the centre. Our Spirit, however, can only be healed through connection with the Greater Universal Spirit and Consciousness.

It is useful to practice this each morning before facing the day, and throughout the day as and when you need to.

Enjoy Meditation.